الصلوات على الحجج

by It's Kooks



Prayers on the infallible arguments from the book Mafatikh al-JinanThe application includes:Prayers for the Prophet (PBUH)Peace be upon the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him)Prayers for the Lady of Women Fatima (pbuh)Peace be upon Al-Hasan and Al-Hussein (peace be upon them)Peace be upon Ali bin Al-Hussein (peace be upon him)Prayers for Muhammad bin Ali (peace be upon him)Prayers for Jaafar bin Muhammad (peace be upon him)Prayers for Musa bin Jaafar (peace be upon him)Peace be upon Ali bin Musa (peace be upon him)Prayers for Muhammad bin Ali bin Musa (peace be upon him)Peace be upon Ali bin Muhammad (peace be upon him)Prayers for Al-Hasan bin Ali bin Muhammad (peace be upon him)Prayers for the Awaited Guardian (Peace be upon him)- digital counterHoly Quran Radio